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How Much Does Making A Paracord Bracelet Cost?

Posted by Luke Quanbeck on Mar 20th 2020

paracord bracelet cost title

We've all been there. We've signed up for a service only to discover fees and other costs that we weren't told about up front. Today, let's look at what it REALLY costs to make a paracord bracelet.

550 paracord

Paracord—The Only Essential

First of all, you're going to have to get yourself some paracord. That's all you really need. There are tons of things you can add, but that's the only necessity.

If you've never ordered paracord from us before, there are a couple things you should know before you buy:

550 Cord Is the Way to Go

550 Paracord or "Type III" is the most common type of paracord. It's what everyone is referring to when they say simply "paracord."

We Have Free Shipping on Orders $8.99+

Most online stores start their free shipping on orders of $35 or more. We do our best to make it easy for you to grab what you need and not have to worry about shipping costs. That's why we provide free shipping on orders over $8.99!

Paracord with free shipping

We Have a Ton of Tutorials Right Here on Our Website

Once you've purchased your paracord, come on back and check out the Paracorner. It serves as a sort of learning hub for our paracord and related products. They are provided to you free of charge. If you find value in these resources, consider subscribing to our YouTube channel where you'll find everything from beginner to advanced level projects.

We Have an Easy Way to Browse Colors

If you tap the "Explore Colors" button at the top of this page, you'll be taken to our color finder. Select your preferences with the checkboxes on the left to find what you need. (On mobile, tap the filter button to show the side panel)

What Does It Cost?

Most "normal" paracord bracelets use between 8 and 10 feet of paracord. For this purpose, we sell 10-foot lengths of all our 550cord colors. These are only $3.99 each! But to get free shipping, you might want to upgrade to a 100-foot length at $9.49 each.

That means you can start paracord crafting for less than $10. Can you think of any other hobby with such a low startup cost?

Buying paracord bracelets in a store will usually cost you $5-10 each! You can make at least 5 of your own bracelets for the cost of a single, premade one—and the paracord will be better quality too!

More Options

Just because a paracord bracelet CAN be that simple, doesn't mean it HAS to be. Here are some other items many of our customers like to add to their projects.

paracord buckles


Buckles or clasps come in a variety of shapes and sizes. Most people opt for a plastic buckle, but you can also use metal buckles, rope shackles, or no clasp at all.

Fids and Micro Cord

If you want to make your project unique, you may want to try weaving 95 cord or micro cord into your bracelet. There are endless ways to do this, but most of them require the use of fids.

laced 95 cord

Multiple Colors

Another easy way to liven up your bracelet designs is to use two colors of paracord. Most bracelet designs work with two or even more colors at a time.

Bottom Line

Essentially, a paracord bracelet costs as much or as little as you want it to, because you get to decide how to make it. You can add metal buckles, beads, or micro cord lacing, but if you want to you can also keep it pretty simple. Paracord crafting has smaller startup costs than just about any other creative hobby.

If you need some inspiration to get started, join our Paracorner Facebook group where people post their current projects and ask for help on difficult knots.

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