Times You Should Carry Paracord

I've heard a few jaw-dropping paracord survival stories. Survival Straps has a couple of pages on their website dedicated to how people have used their bracelets in emergency situations. But what about the times you wish you had paracord—and didn't.
Sit back and enjoy this comedic take on the many uses of paracord. You'll wish you had it when...
When you forget to wear a belt.
For those of you that would rather take fashion advice from Elly May Clampett than from Justin Bieber, a paracord belt can save you from saggy pants syndrome. If you're away from home and don't have to be in any professional environments, quickly deploy your survival bracelet into a single-cord belt, untuck your shirt, and no one will be the wiser. Or you can construct a more permanent solution by following our Paracord Belt Tutorial.

When you keep losing your keys.
There is nothing more frustrating than running late for work and not being able to find your keys. (Except not being able to find your keys when you are trying to leave work.) A bright-colored paracord keychain can make easy to lose objects stand out. Watch our Paracord Person Keychain Tutorial on YouTube.

When your micro pocket knife is too small to hold in your chubby fingers.
A miniature pocket knife can be a very useful tool that doesn't take up much pocket space or weigh your pants down, but with today's extremely compact EDC trends, sometimes there is such thing as a too-small knife. Add a paracord fob to yours for a little extra grip and a little extra color. Watch our simple Knife Fob Tutorial to get started.

When you need to entertain a child.
Give a child a nice gift, and they play with the box more than the gift. The simplest toys are the best toys, so make your kids or grandkids a frustrating brain-teaser. Needing to entertain someone else's crabby kid for 4 hours is the purest definition of "emergency situation." Subscribe to our YouTube channel to find out when this brain teaser tutorial gets released.

When you need to impress a woman.
Nothing says, "I'm a man!" (Or "I'm a capable woman!" We're equal opportunists here.) like knowing how to tie down a load using only rope and your own knowledge of proper knot tying. Next time you have to carry home a sectional couch in the trunk of your Honda Civic, your can-do attitude is sure to turn heads.
When you're at work and no one understands.
Long hours at the office can drive you crazy if you don't have someone to express your frustrations to. Take a page out of the Tom Hanks survival guide and craft yourself a "Wilson". Just don't let him float away on paperwork when your desk overturns in the raging storm of your boss's wrath. No tutorial exists for this little guy yet. Let us know if you're interested in one!

When you're in a REAL emergency situation.
You hope it will never happen to you, but someday, someone's life could be in your unprepared hands. Or maybe your own life will be unexpectedly in danger. A survival bracelet—converted into an emergency tourniquet—could save a life. Even if someone's life is not on the line, paracord has many other emergency and utilitarian uses.
Being prepared isn't the same as being paranoid. Bad things happen. When they do, make sure you are prepared. Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
Remember a time when you wish you had paracord? Let us know in the comments!