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You Asked.... We Answered! (Q & A)

Posted by Brita on Jan 18th 2018

Paracord Planet - Q & A

A while back, I asked you all on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram if you had any questions for the experts at Paracord Planet. It was fun seeing your questions and here are our responses!

1. "When will you start selling coreless paracord? Peach colored cord?" - Chris 

For those of you who do not know, the inner strands of paracord are often removed for projects so that the cord can lay flat in a weave or knot. While we have no certain plans to sell coreless or peach colored paracord at the moment, you are always more than welcome to leave us a suggestion on our website! We have a special section for you to leave your comments and feedback. Head on over to the New Product Request section on our website and you may see your suggestion come to life in the future! 

2. "I just started a paracord bracelet business. What are some simple stitches that I could use to get started?" - Jaden

Congrats on entering the world of paracord, Jaden! There are 5 simple stitches that we suggest everyone learns when they are first starting out:

5 Common Paracord Weaves

Here are links for these tutorials from top to bottom: CobraKing CobraFishtailTrilobite, and Shark Jawbone

We also post many other tutorials over on our YouTube channel, so be sure to subscribe and check out all our videos. 

3. "What kind of shell is used when making a survival grenade? What do you put the survival items in before wrapping the knot?" - Chris

Great question, Chris! This question stumped many of our staff members! The survival grenades that we sell (pictured below) do not have a sheath around the survival items, they just lay flat in the weave of the grenade. 

Paracord GrenadeSurvival Grenade

We came up with a few suggestions for a sheath to wrap items in if you want to make your survival grenade into a certain shape: plastic Easter eggs or tin foil. The plastic eggs will give you a round shape to wrap a monkey fist on and the in foil is easily reusable in a survival situation. 

4. "How much cord do I need for a basic cobra bracelet?" - Emily

Great question! Our typical rule of thumb is to use one foot of cord per inch on your wrist. For example, if you have a wrist that is 8 inches around, you will need 8 feet of cord for your bracelet. Check out our video below on how to properly measure your wrist for a bracelet!

5. "My paracord always ends up in a tangled mess. How can I store my paracord to avoid a huge mess?" - Tyler

It can be difficult to keep a large inventory of paracord neat and tangle free. However, we have an entire blog dedicated to this topic! Click the image below to learn 5 ways to store and organize your paracord!


Looking for more resources about paracord? Be sure to check out the Paracorner section on our website for tons of information on cord types, sizes, and more! Follow us on: a: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and Youtube!

Peace, Love, and Paracord


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